Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Pig and the Tower

“Anne” dreamt about a specific small animal. At first, she tried to capture it, but then it grew so big it tried to attack her. See how this was interpreted, what was discovered, and what actions “Anne” took in her … Continue reading

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Finding Out What’s Inside

A small group of us gathered on December 21st, 2011 to creatively celebrate the Winter Solstice. Armed with markers and colored pencils we began to delve into the unknown of Mandala making. Here’s what little we knew: Virtually every spiritual … Continue reading

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An Alternative to “Brain Drain”

So many of us have been turned on to journaling or “Morning Pages”. While I have found much personal success with the Morning Pages, the biggest complaint I hear about these activities is that they devolve into a to-do list … Continue reading

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Asking for what you need

Last night, before I went to sleep, I chose a very specific question to ask my dreaming self. I solidified it by writing it down in a notebook that I keep next to my bed. I have been unsure about … Continue reading

Posted in Active Dreaming, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Dreaming Body, Mind, and Spirit – they’re all connected.

I’m sure you’ve have a dream where you had to pee really badly, only to wake up and run to the bathroom! Maybe you dreamed you were being choked, only to find that your spouse’s arm fell across your neck. … Continue reading

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