Finding Out What’s Inside

A small group of us gathered on December 21st, 2011 to creatively celebrate the Winter Solstice. Armed with markers and colored pencils we began to delve into the unknown of Mandala making. Here’s what little we knew:

  1. Virtually every spiritual practice his its own way of creating a Mandala.
  2. Creating a Mandala is personal and intuitive.
  3. Carl Jung, for a period of his life, created a new Mandala every day to gain personal insight.
  4. When creating your own Mandala, don’t think.

One person whipped out 3 or 4 during the evening, another person created 2, and some of us worked on the same one for hours.

Winter Solstice Mandala

Winter Solstice Mandala

Here is mine, but clearly it is still unfinished. Although I liked the general look of it, I was puzzled as to why I chose the center image (one always starts with the center image). What was it exactly? Then it occurred to me – this is a “directional” icon found on map sites! Here it was – I was asking for direction.

There are many ways to uncover your subconscious. While I am drawn to (no pun intended) Dream Interpretation, Mandala making is yet another way to find out what’s going on deep within us. Try one. They’re pretty fun!

Growing a Mandala


About Doreen

Originally from Chicago, IL, Doreen now lives in Southern California. She coaches artists to live easier, happier lives, through transformational conversations, and she'll never give up her day job as a TV/Film actress.
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