
“Doreen, you offer an excellent service! I don’t know how you got so good at it but your interpretation really made me get on the ball career-wise. Things I was denying while “conscious,” were obviously making themselves known in my dreams. Your interpretation showed me that I needed to forge ahead! Thanks!” – D. Cassidy, Instructional Designer, Madison,WI

“Thank you for such talented insight! I am surprised how much my dreaming self sheds light on issues I try to process consciously.” – Maurissa Afanador, Spiritual Creative, Southern California

“My inexplicably ridiculous dream now makes sense – PERFECT SENSE – in the context of where my life is right now. Who knew so much sense could spring from my completely chaotic and nonsensical REM sleep! ” – Scott Sandoe, Writer, Los Angeles

What Does Your Dream Session Include?

  1. Your Dream Submission (sent via e-mail)

Your Dream Submission must include as many details as you can remember: scenes, people, sounds, objects, numbers, feelings, observations – anything and everything that was part of your dream.

  1. The Interpretation (done over Zoom)

I will email you a detailed interpretation for you to keep. Email me your preferred date and time for our live session.  Then, I will ask more specifics, “stirring the pot” with your waking life. Afterward, we will discuss what your dreams have revealed, and how they can guide you. You will receive a recording of your Zoom session.

The cost is $125 a session (the “live” part lasts about one 1/2hour). The dreamer can include several smaller or recurring dreams in one session if they find that they relate to each other or are important.

Schedule your appointment by email